GRI Alfa Tango

Upcoming events:

1 Jan
26 Division - Yearly LOTA
Date 1/01/2024 00:00 - 31/12/2024 23:59
1 Jan
1/01/2024 00:00 - 31/12/2024 23:59
1 Jan
1/01/2024 00:00 - 31/12/2024 23:59
1 May
Spanish Regions Award 2024
1/05/2024 00:00 - 31/08/2024 23:59
7 Sep
AT World Meeting 2024
7/09/2024 12:00 - 8/09/2024 20:00
2 Nov
Aldo's Memorial 2024
2/11/2024 00:00 - 3/11/2024 23:59
13 Feb
AT World Radio Day 2025
13/02/2025 00:00 - 16/02/2025 23:59
Registration form
The submitted data will be reviewed by an administrator in order to check if you are an AT member in good standing or just a real and active 11m operator. In some case this could require some time, so please be patient. When your account will be enabled you will be noticed by an email.
This registration is limited to this site only, and has nothing to do with the appartenence to the G.R.I. ALFA TANGO.
To know how to to join the G.R.I. ALFA TANGO please read our F.A.Q.

Puglia Coastal Tower Award

AT World Meeting 2024


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